American Pie? No, This Time its Quantum Computing Pie.

American Pie? No, This Time its Quantum Computing Pie. Broad and interesting perspectives.  Original piece discusses many aspects from startups in the workforce-limited environment to hybrid computing.  Easy read, informative for the lay-person.  Left us with a sense the quantum computing industry is still very early in development.  Qubit. Getting A Slice Of The Quantum […]

Moonshots and Quantum Computing, Sources for National Pride

Moonshots and Quantum Computing, Sources for National Pride India’s science and technology funding: Time for a rethink? Excerpts and salient points ~ +  First, government should primarily focus on funding basic research and/or moonshots. It is widely believed that basic research leads to innovative technologies, however the gestation period for a new technology to be […]

Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit”

Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit” We here at The Qubit Report will always love and hold dear our Q-bits; even if P-bits take over. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Interdisciplinary research pushes science in new directions Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Probabilistic bits, commonly known as p-bits, are a new conceptual intermediate between […]

Making Your Automobile Quantum-safe

Making Your Automobile Quantum-safe SecureRF Security Library Receives ISO 26262 Automotive Safety Certification Excerpts and salient points ~ +  SecureRF Corporation announced that it achieved ISO 26262 certification for its development methods used to deliver its advanced automotive security solutions. SecureRF’s security library includes… Key Agreement Protocols and Digital Signature Algorithms that are quantum-resistant to […]

Digging Deeper, Quantum-classical Hybrid Algorithms

Digging Deeper,Quantum-classical Hybrid Algorithms Three Truths and the Advent of Hybrid Quantum Computing Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Quantum-classical hybrid is the use of both classical and quantum resources to solve problems. A hybrid approach allows developers to exploit the powers of both, today, and reap the benefits of the ongoing acceleration in quantum-computer […]