National University of Singapore Placed Nanosat in Orbit; Study Quantum Communications

National University of Singapore Placed Nanosat in Orbit; Study Quantum Communications Singapore nanosatellite developed by CQT goes into orbit Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A nanosatellite, SpooQy-1 developed by the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at NUS was the first Singapore satellite to be deployed into low earth orbit by the International Space Station […]

Good Cybersecurity Practices; Quantum Computing Still Looms

Good Cybersecurity Practices; Quantum Computing Still Looms Cybersecurity’s weakest link is the human.  Below are two reminders to maintaining some basic cybersecurity.  The original article has more advice; worth the reminder to read.  … and for the reminder that quantum computing is a looming threat to encryption.  Because quantum is coming.  Qubit. 5 Ways To […]

Uganda Sets Up 4th Industrial Revolution Task Force; Not All are Happy

Uganda Sets Up 4th Industrial Revolution Task Force; Not All are Happy Under all the developing quantum computing technology, the applications to healthcare, energy development optimization, and secure communications, we still need food, shelter, and clothing.  A bit of a sobering perspective.  Qubit. Uganda set to embrace artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, but biotechnology […]

The Race for Quantum Computing: U.K. Status

The Race for Quantum Computing: U.K. Status Excellent discussion and tracking of the U.K. MoD quantum programme and related U.K. Government initiatives. The race for quantum computing is surely on. Qubit. Mapping the Race to Quantum Computing: The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme – The Red (Team) Analysis Society Excerpts and salient points ~ +  […]

Using Gold to Better Quantum Computing

Using Gold to Better Quantum Computing System Bits: July 3; Team touts gold as quantum computing material Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A joint team of scientists at the University of California, Riverside, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is getting closer to confirming the existence of an exotic quantum particle called Majorana fermion, […]