Schrodinger’s Tabby Cat Has Family; an Infinite Number of Quantum States

Schrodinger’s Tabby Cat Has Family; an Infinite Number of Quantum States Physicists discover family members of Schrödinger’s cat Excerpts and salient points ~ +  ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) PhD candidate Lewis Howard, said the states were all generated using multidimensional boxes called hypercubes. “We found as the hypercubes become larger, […]

Examination of Chinese Business and Quantum Information Science

Examination of Chinese Business and Quantum Information Science Though getting access to the full piece requires “Premium Access”, we felt it worth the effort to run some key points. For those conducting research, you may find the points useful.  Qubit. The Chinese BATX in the Race to Quantum Computing: from Research to Venture Capital through […]

Fast Fourier Transform, Quantum Fourier Transform, Next Quantum Algorithm…

Fast Fourier Transform, Quantum Fourier Transform, Next Quantum Algorithm… Quantum interference in the service of information technology Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Scientists from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, in collaboration with the University of Oxford and NIST, have shown that quantum interference enables processing of large sets of data faster and […]

U.S. & India Rise to Top of Airbus Quantum Computing Challenge

U.S. & India Rise to Top of Airbus Quantum Computing Challenge India among top respondents to Airbus quantum computing challenge Excerpts and salient points ~ +  [O]f the over 500 who have logged in online for the challenge till July, India and the US are in the top globally in submission of their expressions of […]