Archer Exploration Ups the Ante; Precisely Positions Qubit on Room-temperature Chip

ASX Announcement (ASX:AXE) 26 August 2019 Qubit component positioned with nanoscale precision Highlights Archer team assembles the first qubit material component (“qubit”) of the 12CQ room-temperature qubit processor (“chip”) with nanometre precision. The ability to directly position individual qubits is a key requirement for building a scalable chip and derisks Archer’s chip technology development. The […]

Quantum Information Storage via Magnetic Skyrmions and Spintronics

Quantum Information Storage via Magnetic Skyrmions and Spintronics Understanding how electric current affects the magnetic skyrmion changes Key points… +  Matter behaves differently when it’s tiny. At the nanoscale, electric current cuts through mountains of particles, spinning them into vortexes that can be used intentionally in quantum computing. The particles arrange themselves into a topological […]

Proving Quantum Effects Boosts Confidence for Development of Quantum Computers

Proving Quantum Effects Boosts Confidence for Development of Quantum Computers Cracking a decades-old test, researchers bolster case for quantum mechanics Excerpts and salient points ~ +  In a new study, researchers demonstrate creative tactics to get rid of loopholes that have long confounded tests of quantum mechanics. With their innovative method, the researchers were able […]

DARQ Power Envisioned to Drive Semiconductor Industry (Q is for Quantum Computing)

DARQ Power Envisioned to Drive Semiconductor Industry (Q is for Quantum Computing) The Duality of Technology Excerpts and salient points ~ +  New technologies impact industries across the board. For the semiconductor industry, the very technologies that disrupt the way companies operate are the same technologies that will be leveraged to create new products and […]

“Nature as Computer” Studied as Substitute for Quantum Computing Efficiency

“Nature as Computer” Studied as Substitute for Quantum Computing Efficiency The Pentagon Is Turning to Nature to Solve Its Most Complex Problems Excerpts and salient points ~ +  On Aug. 1, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency kicked off a research initiative that looks to harness the computational power of living cells, chemical bonds and […]