IBM’s CRYSTALS May Provide Cybersecurity from Quantum Computers

IBM’s CRYSTALS May Provide Cybersecurity from Quantum Computers New Encryption System Protects Data from Quantum Computers Excerpts and salient points ~ +  “There are a lot of problems that cryptography is based on right now that, actually, we don’t think can be solved by normal computers,” says Vadim Lyubashevsky, a quantum-safe cryptography researcher at IBM […]

Google’s Quantum Control Optimization

Google’s Quantum Control Optimization Though reported back in April, this article [at the source] has a collection of disruptive technology ‘news items’ raising some interesting questions.  Not all are directly related to quantum computing…yet. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Google causes more facial-recog pain, machine learning goes quantum ­– and how to lose a job […]