Implementing the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) with New Open Source Software

Implementing the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) with Open Source Software Entropica releases QAOA package for Rigetti’s Quantum Cloud Service Points to note… +  QAOA is an algorithm designed for near-term quantum computers, and has applications to both machine learning and discrete optimisation. The EntropicaQAOA package integrates fully with our partner Rigetti’s Quantum Cloud Services™ […]

IBM’s Quantum Computation Center’s Role

IBM’s Quantum Computation Center’s Role Q&A: IBM opens up quantum computing to solve ‘real problems’ Excerpts and salient points ~ +  The IBM Quantum Computation Center is about moving multiple quantum computers out of the research lab, and optimizing them for businesses and academia to use. IBM’s Scott Crowder explains more. The role of the […]

Maryland Teens Form Quantum Computing Club

Maryland Teens Form Quantum Computing Club Students from Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States, have formed a quantum computing club. Club captain Ayush Varshney, a junior at the school, indicates big plans. Aside from lectures, the club also has engaging in-school activities planned for its members. “Since these algorithms only work […]

Google’s Nascent Quantum Supremacy has “Zip” Effect on Bitcoin

Google’s Nascent Quantum Supremacy has “Zip” Effect on Bitcoin In case you have not heard… Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Antonopoulos: Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Has No Impact on Bitcoin In brief… +  “What is the effect on mining and the cryptocurrency world in general? Zip, bupkis, nada, nothing really happens,” he summarized. Bitcoin (BTC) has […]

When Quantum Technology Matures, the Strategic Balance May Tilt in China’s Favor

When Quantum Technology Matures, the Strategic Balance May Tilt in China’s Favor Interesting piece from Moor Insights & Strategy. Puts together many of the aspects of government, industry, and military for quantum technology funding and R&D. Worth the read from the global-strategic perspective; from the source document at the link, below. Because Quantum is Coming. […]