Securing Oman’s Power Grid with Quantum-safe Encryption

Securing Oman’s Power Grid with Quantum-safe Encryption ABB’s Quantum-Safe encryption helps secure Oman’s power network Full release… One of the first utility communication networks to be based on Quantum-Safe end-to-end encryption for cybersecurity Today, even the most advanced cybersecurity solutions need to be updated on a regular basis to ensure the exceptional level of security […]

VW and D-Wave Optimizing Traffic Flow with Quantum Computing

VW and D-Wave Optimizing Traffic Flow with Quantum Computing Volkswagen optimizes traffic flow with quantum computers Full release… Volkswagen is launching in Lisbon the world’s first pilot project for traffic optimization using a quantum computer. For this purpose, the Group is equipping MAN buses of the public transport provider Carris with a traffic management system […]

Intel: Time to Turn to “Quantum Practicality”

Intel: Time to Turn to “Quantum Practicality” Intel Editorial: The Race to Commercially-Viable Quantum Computing Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint Full release… Quantum computing receives a lot of attention due to its potential to take on problems beyond the reach of today’s computers, such as new drug discovery, financial modeling and exploring how the […]

The Transition Space Between Quantum and Classical Worlds Studied with New Consistent-histories Algorithm

The Transition Space Between Quantum and Classical Worlds Studied with New Consistent-histories Algorithm Using Quantum Computers to Test the Fundamentals of Physics Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A quantum-computing algorithm, developed by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of California, Davis—including both of us—opens a new window on the connection between […]