Encryption is the Engine; Data is the Oil; Quantum Computers are the Nails in the Road

Encryption is the Engine; Data is the Oil; Quantum Computers are the Nails in the Road Quantum supremacy’ and the threat it poses to data storage, digital economy Excerpts and salient points ~ +  End-to-end encryption, the one employed by messaging platforms like WhatsApp, are considered secure as it is difficult to decrypt the coded […]

The Game is Set… The U.S. Must Win

The Game is Set… The U.S. Must Win U.S. National Security Commission Warns Pentagon Of Falling Hopelessly Behind In The AI Arms Race Selected notes ~ +  Released [last week], the November interim report from the U.S. National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) advises the U.S. government to get its act together on the […]

Quantum Key Distribution Throughput Challenges Get Focus

Quantum Key Distribution Throughput Challenges Get Focus Boosting the secret key rate in a shared quantum and classical fibre communication system Introduction to the full study… +  Our society is based on the continuous exchange of billions of data, and most of them travel in optical fibres. Nonetheless, most of the exchanged data are not […]

“U.S. Needs a Three-Phase National-Security Strategy to Protect and Defend American Data, Networks and Infrastructure From Future Quantum Attack”

“U.S. Needs a Three-Phase National-Security Strategy to Protect and Defend American Data, Networks and Infrastructure From Future Quantum Attack. The Quantum Computing Threat to American Security Excerpts and salient points ~ +  In addition to more money, the U.S. needs a three-phase national-security strategy to protect and defend American data, networks and infrastructure from future […]