Developing Silicon-Based Quantum Technology

Developing Silicon-Based Quantum Technology There are many benefits to enabling quantum bits based on silicon. The full work from the source document presents a well-rounded synopsis of manufacturing of silicon qubits. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Manufacturing silicon qubits at scale Selected notes ~ +  In principle, there are lots of ways to construct qubits. […]

Illinois Express Quantum Network to Receive $3.2M From the U.S. Department of Energy

Illinois Express Quantum Network to Receive $3.2M From the U.S. Department of Energy DOE awards Fermilab and partners $3.2 million for Illinois quantum network Full release… The proposed Illinois Express Quantum Network is a metropolitan-scale, quantum-classical hybrid design combining quantum technologies with existing classical networks to create a multinode system for multiple users. The Department […]

Secure Random Number Generation May Not be All that Secure

Secure Random Number Generation May Not be All that Secure Interesting eavesdropping attack leaves you wondering just how secure is quantum computing? Certainly quantum physics and quantum mechanics make observation of entangled particles immediately apparent (inherently secure). But we cannot get focused on the “super secure” shiny ball that quantum cryptography is made out to […]