Using Diamond Qubits, Researchers Maintain Quantum State Coherence for > 60 Seconds

Using Diamond Qubits, Researchers Maintain Quantum State Coherence for > 60 Seconds Diamond-Based Qubits Set New Coherence Record In brief… +  Researchers have created a diamond-based quantum memory device that can retain a quantum state for more than a minute, making it the most stable quantum memory device of its kind… The new device relies […]

Simply and Frankly Answered: How Serious is the Threat of Quantum to Crypto?

Simply and Frankly Answered: How Serious is the Threat of Quantum to Crypto? How Serious Is the Threat of Quantum Computing to Crypto? Selected notes ~ +  As such, any data that’s encrypted using mathematical equations — including banking data, intelligence data protected by the government, and encrypted messages on cell phones — is vulnerable […]

Dell CTO Sees Vacuum Tube Era Technology and Quantum Computing Parallels

Dell CTO See Vacuum Tube Era Technology and Quantum Computing Parallels Dell Technologies on democratizing 5G and the future of quantum computing Excerpts and salient points ~ +  When asked during a media session what Dell Technologies was doing in the quantum computing space, Dell said “it could go either way”. We’re watching it closely, […]

National Quantum Initiative Act Signed by President Trump Building U.S. Quantum Ecosystem Strength

National Quantum Initiative Act Signed by President Trump Building U.S. Quantum Information Science Strength Air Force Research Laboratory joins Quantum Economic Development Consortium Full release… The Air Force Research Laboratory has announced that it is joining the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, established in 2018 as a direct result of the National Quantum Initiative Act. The […]