Updated Update for The 7 “Best” Quantum Computing Stocks Trading Today

Updated Update for The 7 “Best” Quantum Computing Stocks Trading Today Take the advice at your own risk. What goes up must come down, and what goes down does not have to come back up. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. 7 Best Quantum Computing Stocks Trading Today Selected notes ~ +  Quantum computing applies the […]

3 Shifts Combining Domains to Produce Something of Value from Quantum Computing

3 Shifts Combining Domains to Produce Something of Value from Quantum Computing Why “Move Fast and Break Things” Doesn’t Work Anymore Key points… +  Shift 1: From A Digital To A Post-Digital Age. It’s hard to imagine that 30 years ago, most American households didn’t have a computer, much less a mobile phone. Yet today, […]

Q-CTRL Founder to Speak to U.S. Office of Naval Research

Q-CTRL Founder to Speak to U.S. Office of Naval Research Quantum Technology Expert to Discuss Quantum Sensors for Defense Applications at Office of Naval Research (ONR) Part of ONR’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Q-CTRL CEO Michael J. Biercuk to detail latest research in using quantum-based technologies in military settings Michael J. Biercuk, founder and CEO of […]