Recap: After Decades of R&D and Billions of Dollars Quantum Computers Do Work

Recap: After Decades of R&D and Billions of Dollars, Quantum Computers Do Work Quantum computing could solve problems we don’t even know we have Excerpts and salient points ~ +  It’s been hailed as a breakthrough on the scale of the Wright brothers’ first motorized airplane flight: a quantum computer that has done a calculation […]

IronCAP’s $100,000 (Quantum) Hackathon Did Not Require Paying-Out

IronCAP’s $100,000 (Quantum) Hackathon Did Not Require Paying-Out IronCAP Quantum-Safe Encryption Proves to be Un-hackable in Hacking Challenge 01 Communique Laboratory Inc.’s(the “Company”) (ONE:TSX-V) quantum-safe encryption “IronCAP” proved to be un-hackable after the Company issued a world-wide challenge to hackers to crack the Company’s quantum-safe encryption in 36 days in exchange for a $100,000 prize. […]