Just How Coordinated is Nature’s Quantum Entanglement?

Just How Coordinated is Nature’s Quantum Entanglement? The answer is probably a bit more complicated, but similar to asking, just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? “The world may never know…” Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. How ‘spooky’ is quantum physics? The answer could be incalculable […]

U.S. and Austrian Research Team Finds Inumerable Entangled Electrons in Material Composed of Ytterbium, Rhodium, and Silicon

U.S. and Austrian Research Team Finds Inumerable Entangled Electrons in Material Composed of Ytterbium, Rhodium, and Silicon Billions of quantum entangled electrons found in ‘strange metal’ In a new study, U.S. and Austrian physicists have observed quantum entanglement among “billions of billions” of flowing electrons in a quantum critical material. The research, which appears this […]

Optimizing Quantum Memory in the Near Term

Optimizing Quantum Memory in the Near Term Optimizing High-Efficiency Quantum Memory with Quantum Machine Learning for Near-Term Quantum Devices Abstract ~ +  Optimizing High-Efficiency Quantum Memory with Quantum Machine Learning for Near-Term Quantum Devices +  Quantum memories are a fundamental of any global-scale quantum Internet, high-performance quantum networking and near-term quantum computers. A main problem […]