How Much of a Banking Impact Will Quantum Computing and Blockchain Technologies Make?

How Much of a Banking Impact Will Quantum Computing and Blockchain Technologies Make? Some interesting ideas and projections.  Take and use the below as you see fit.  We don’t endorse, we just read, think, write, report.  Who knows where all of this will go.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit. Deltec Bank, Bahamas – A combination […]

Toward a Practical Quantum Repeater

Toward a Practical Quantum Repeater Extending Quantum Entanglement Across Town In brief… +  A team of German researchers has stretched the distance quantum information can travel from stationary quantum memory to optical telecom pulse. The group’s new experiment transfers the information contained in a single quantum bit from an atomic state to a single photon, […]

Paving the Way to New Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Devices

Paving the Way to New Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Devices Applying advantage distillation to device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD) Selected notes ~ +  Currently, several physicists are trying to improve existing DIQKD systems: experimentalists by reducing noise in communicating devices and theorists by developing protocols that are less demanding in terms of noise tolerance. The […]

Measuring Sensitive Quantum Systems With Low Noise

Measuring Sensitive Quantum Systems With Low Noise Single-atom probe uses quantum information for the first time In brief… +  Sensors collect certain parameters such as temperature and air pressure in their proximity. Physicists from Kaiserslautern and a colleague from Hanover have succeeded for the first time in using a single cesium atom as a sensor […]

Quantum.Tech Conference and Exhibition Bringing Quantum Technology to London

Quantum.Tech Conference and Exhibition Bringing Quantum Technology to London   The Qubit Report is a media partner for this Quantum.Tech event.  We attended the event this past September in Boston, Massachusetts.  Well worth the effort.  The event this April, in London, looks to be even more enlightening.  The below is directly from the Quantum.Tech team.  […]