Quantum Memories Go The Distance

Quantum Memories Go The Distance Scientists entangled quantum memories linked over long distances Excerpts and salient points ~ +  To be most useful, quantum networks would need to span the globe. Scientists previously have entangled individual particles of light, or photons, separated by 1,200 kilometers (SN: 6/15/17). But that entanglement couldn’t be stored. Distant quantum […]

Protecting Your Data – Now – Against the Future of Quantum Computing

Protecting Your Data – Now – Against the Future of Quantum Computing Quantum Computing is Here, Look to a Post Quantum Future Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Data is the new oil, but advances in quantum computing could be breaking encryption faster in the future. Speaking at the DigiCert Security Summit in San Diego, […]

Helmholtz Quantum Center to Be Hub of Entire Range of Quantum Research

Helmholtz Quantum Center to Be Hub of Entire Range of Quantum Research Forschungszentrum Jülich Establishes Technology Laboratory for Quantum Computers Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Quantum computer research will be established at Forschungszentrum Jülich as a national priority. The Helmholtz Quantum Center (HQC) will be a central technology laboratory that will cover the entire […]