Honeywell Claims Release of World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer by Mid-2020

Honeywell Claims Release of World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer by Mid-2020 Behind the Scenes of a Major Quantum Breakthrough It’s almost time. By the middle of 2020, we’re releasing the most powerful quantum computer yet. Thanks to a breakthrough in technology, we’re on track to release a quantum computer with a quantum volume of at […]

Quantum Computing and Moore’s Law, One Arrives, One Goes

Quantum Computing and Moore’s Law, One Arrives, One Goes A Quantum Continuation for Moore’s Law? Selected notes ~ +  While engineers grapple with the end of Moore’s law, rudimentary prototypes of a completely new type of machine — the quantum computer — have been making news. These devices exploit the properties of quantum mechanics — […]

RIKEN Research Measures Qubit Spin to 99% Fidelity With Silicon Quantum Dots

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RIKEN Research Measures Qubit Spin to 99% Fidelity With Silicon Quantum Dots Scientists succeed in measuring electron spin qubit without demolishing it Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A group of scientists from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science in Japan have succeeded in taking repeated measurements of the spin of an electron in […]