Using Rydberg Atoms to Pave Way Toward Quantum Communications

Using Rydberg Atoms to Pave Way Toward Quantum Communications Exciting apparatus helps atoms see the light Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Researchers in the Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have generated Rydberg atoms – unusually large excited atoms – near nanometer-thin optical […]

The Difference Between Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Cryptography

The Difference Between Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Cryptography What Is the Difference Between Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Cryptography? Selected notes ~ +  What is Quantum Cryptography?  In quantum cryptography, a pair of photons is entangled to ensure that whatever happens to one affects the state of the other. A sender would transmit one of these […]

Researchers Study Quantum Computing Without the Waveguide: Diamonds and Brillouin Lasers

Researchers Study Quantum Computing Without the Waveguide: Diamonds and Brillouin Lasers A sound boost to extreme laser performance Points to note… +  Macquarie University’s Rich Mildren says “This development provides a new pathway towards high power lasers that are extremely efficient and have exquisite frequency properties such as low-phase noise and narrow line width. These […]