Tokyo Medical and Dental University Proposes Better Method to Isolate Qubits

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Tokyo Medical and Dental University Proposes Better Method to Isolate Qubits A Filter for Cleaner Qubits Researchers at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), RIKEN, and the University of Tokyo propose an improved method for isolating the qubits in a quantum computer from the external environment, which may help usher in the era of […]

Finding Issues With Google’s Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Finding Issues With Google’s Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Scientists break Google’s quantum algorithm Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Google is racing to develop quantum-enhanced processors that use quantum mechanical effects to increase the speed at which data can be processed. In the near term, Google has devised new quantum-enhanced algorithms that operate in the […]

Quantum Annealers May Soon Find a Quieter Environment

Quantum Annealers May Soon Find a Quieter Environment Finnish researchers demonstrate how noise impacts quantum computing Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A team of researchers from three Finnish institutions (CSC, Aalto University, and Abo Akademi University) and their collaborators from Boston University in the USA have for the first time demonstrated how the noise […]