MIT and Harvard May Have Found the Missing Link Towards a Practical Quantum Internet

MIT and Harvard May Have Found the Missing Link Towards a Practical Quantum Internet Towards an unhackable quantum internet Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Harvard and MIT researchers have found a way to correct for signal loss with a prototype quantum node that can catch, store and entangle bits of quantum information. The research […]

Bridging Classical and Quantum Computers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Bridging Classical and Quantum Computers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Researchers set benchmark to determine achievement of quantum computing The race toward the first practical quantum computer is in full stride. Companies, countries, collaborators, and competitors worldwide are vying for quantum supremacy. Google says it’s already there. But what does that mean? How will the […]

Research Attempts to Limit Measurements by Implementing Simultaneous Multi-Measurements

Research Attempts to Limit Measurements by Implementing Simultaneous Multi-Measurements Research by PhD Student Pranav Gokhale and EPiQC Wins IBM Q Best Paper Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A significant gap remains, however, between the capabilities of today’s quantum computers and the algorithms proposed by computational theorists.  “VQE can perform some pretty complicated chemical simulations […]