RAND Report: Assessing Timelines and Risk to Encryption From Quantum Computing

RAND Report: Assessing Timelines and Risk to Encryption From Quantum Computing Highly respected RAND Corporation put together a comprehensive study regarding quantum computing and the thereat to encryption. A must read for those in cybersecurity. Full report available at the source. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Securing Communications in the Quantum Computing Age Excerpts… +  […]

Caltech Researchers Make Way Toward Quantum Internet With Help From Ytterbium Ion

Caltech Researchers Make Way Toward Quantum Internet With Help From Ytterbium Ion Tiny optical cavities could make quantum networks possible Engineers at Caltech have shown that atoms in optical cavities — tiny boxes for light — could lead to the creation of a quantum internet. Their National Science Foundation-funded work was published in the journal […]