Full Speed Ahead: Archer Begins Qubit Control Measurements for its 12CQ Chip

Full Speed Ahead: Archer Begins Qubit Control Measurements for its 12CQ Chip We have said it before, we’ll say it again: Could Archer be the mouse that roared?  This small company appears to be all in and progressing rapidly with its 12CQ chip.  12CQ is a room-temperature, quantum computing qubit processor.  It’s a quantum bit […]

Teleportation is possible if…

Teleportation is possible if… Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world Full release… “Beam me up” is one of the most famous catchphrases from the “Star Trek” series. It’s the command issued when a character wishes to teleport from a remote location back to the Starship Enterprise. While human teleportation currently exists only in […]