Atomtronic SQUID to Open Door to Practical Quantum Applications?

Atomtronic SQUID to Open Door to Practical Quantum Applications? Atomtronic device could probe boundary between quantum, everyday worlds LOS ALAMOS, N.M., July 16, 2020—A new device that relies on flowing clouds of ultracold atoms promises potential tests of the intersection between the weirdness of the quantum world and the familiarity of the macroscopic world we […]

Quantum Computing Proof of Concept Results May Improve Currency Arbitrage & Portfolio Management

Quantum Computing Proofs of Concept Results May Improve Currency Arbitrage & Portfolio Management Financial Giant BBVA Shares Results of Quantum Computing Tech Proof of Concepts for Improving Currency Aribtrage, Porfolio Management Selected notes ~ +  BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.), a Spanish multinational financial services company based in Madrid and Bilbao, Spain with nearly […]