Australia: Quantum Computing & Wuhan Coronavirus Not This Time, But Maybe Next

Australia: Quantum Computing & Wuhan Coronavirus Not This Time, But Maybe Next Australia urged to invest in quantum computing ahead of future pandemics Selected notes ~ +  Michael Biercuk, who is a professor of quantum physics and quantum technology at the University of Sydney, said global reports that quantum technologies could help solve the COVID-19 […]

Creating a Labor Pool to Leverage Quantum Computing’s Opportunities

Creating a Labor Pool to Leverage Quantum Computing’s Opportunities Building a Quantum Computing Workforce from the Ground Up Selected notes… +  Although quantum computing is still in its infancy, its potential means it has already become one of the fastest-growing STEM fields. Consequently, industry and academia are now starting to tackle the problem of creating […]

U.S. National Science Foundation: Institute for Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks

Institute for Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks QLCI-CI: NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks Abstract +  Quantum information science and engineering research has the potential to transform society by developing quantum computers that can complete certain critical tasks faster than classical computers and that provide new applications inaccessible to conventional […]

Skoltech Institute Research Steps Toward Understanding Power of Quantum Devices + Machine Learning

Skoltech Institute Research Steps Toward Understanding Power of Quantum Devices + Machine Learning Quantum machines learn ‘quantum data’ Read More… +  Skoltech scientists have shown that quantum enhanced machine learning can be used on quantum (as opposed to classical) data, overcoming a significant slowdown common to these applications and opening a “fertile ground to develop […]