Is North Korea Developing Quantum Computing?

North Korea’s Evolving Cyber Warfare Strategy – Analysis In brief… +  The use of cyber weapons of mass effectiveness alongside weapons of mass destruction provides Pyongyang with a unified asymmetric strategy designed to pressure the United States and the wider international community to recognise its legitimacy. The sophistication of North Korea’s cyber operations shows an […]

Study: To Get Ahead in Quantum Computing, U.K. Must Advance Quantum Sensing

New generation sensors are needed to prevent technological leaps being grounded before take-off, warn quantum expert Sensor technology vital for UK critical national infrastructure is becoming outdated, warn experts at the University of Birmingham-led UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing. The current weakness threatens anticipated advances, many involving quantum technologies, across different sectors – including […]

PhotonHub Europe Sets Sights High at €1B Revenue by 2025

Through photonics training, PhotonHub Europe sets out to generate €1 billion in new EU revenue by 2025 Read More… +  PhotonHub Europe, a new photonics digital innovation hub based at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, has just won a €19 million investment from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. “Photonics is essential to the functioning of new […]

NIST is Nearly Ready to Announce the First Post-Quantum Computing Standard

NIST Quantum Cryptography Program Nears Completion Read More… +  NIST should be applauded for getting ahead of the need for post-quantum encryption. The results of the most recent selection round, in which the number of candidates was reduced and “tracked” into two groups, can be found in the Status Report on the Second Round of […]

Are You in an IT Leadership Role? Get an Edge Through Quantum Computing Know How

Quantum computing challenges and opportunities Selected notes ~ +  “Quantum will change the landscape with respects to computer security, leaving many of the traditional algorithms used for encryption and digital signatures nearly useless,” said Chris Hickman, chief security officer at digital identity security vendor Keyfactor. “IT leaders need to [build] a strategy to protect their […]