U.K. Firm Phasecraft Demonstrates Quantum Computing Advance, Accelerating Timescale to Quantum Advantage

Phasecraft demonstrates significant quantum computing advance, bringing forward the timescale to reach quantum advantage Phasecraft optimised quantum algorithms for solving the notorious Fermi-Hubbard model on near-term hardware New peer-reviewed research study details how Phasecraft algorithms and analysis significantly lessen the quantum hardware capability needed to solve problems beyond classical computing  The research findings, selected by […]

Exploiting Destructive Quantum Interference

Harnessing Quantum Properties to Create Single-Molecule Devices | Columbia Engineering Novel type of quantum interference enables single-molecule switch with high on/off ratio. Researchers, led by Columbia Engineering Professor Latha Venkataraman, report today that they have discovered a new chemical design principle for exploiting destructive quantum interference. They used their approach to create a six-nanometer single-molecule […]

Part Light and Part Matter, an Odd Quantum State for Quantum Devices

Researchers develop unique process for producing light-matter mixture Annular holes in a thin gold film filled with silicon dioxide enable ultrastrong coupling between light and atomic vibrations. This structure provides opportunities to probe molecules interacting with quantum vacuum fluctuations and develop novel optoelectronic devices. Image credit: Oh Group, University of Minnesota   In groundbreaking new […]

Quantum Technologies Push the Limits of Brain Medical Technology

New spin-out company signals quantum leap for brain imaging A new type of wearable brain scanner, designed to allow people to move freely whilst being scanned, is a step closer to being used in hospitals with the launch of a new partnership. The University of Nottingham has partnered with Kent based company Magnetic Shields Limited […]