Is Quantum Darwinism Really Only About Quantum Mechanics’ Interaction with Its Environment?

Is Quantum Darwinism Really Only About Quantum Mechanics’ Interaction with Its Environment?

Quantum Darwinism Could Explain What Makes Reality Real

Selected notes ~

+  So far, so good for quantum Darwinism. “All these studies see what is expected, at least approximately,” Zurek said. Riedel says we could hardly expect otherwise, though: In his view, QD is really just the careful and systematic application of standard quantum mechanics to the interaction of a quantum system with its environment. Although this is virtually impossible to do in practice for most quantum measurements, if you can sufficiently simplify a measurement, the predictions are clear, he said: “QD is most like an internal self-consistency check on quantum theory itself.”

Contrary to popular belief, says physicist Adán Cabello, “quantum theory perfectly describes the emergence of the classical world.”

+  Wojciech Zurek, a theoretical physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, developed the quantum Darwinism theory in the 2000s to account for the emergence of objective, classical reality.

+  An atom typically can’t be assigned a definite position, for example—we can merely calculate the probability of finding it in various places. The vexing question then becomes: How do quantum probabilities coalesce into the sharp focus of the classical world?

Source:  WIRED.  Philip Ball,  Quantum Darwinism Could Explain What Makes Reality Real…

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