Europe’s Quantum Technology Ecosystem to Be Focus of Conference

European quantum experts meet in Helsinki to discuss the progress & future of quantum technologies

In brief…

+  On October 17-18 2019, renowned representatives and stakeholders within the quantum technologies field will gather in Helsinki to participate in the Exploring and Making Quantum Technology event, aimed to discuss the current landscape and future of the quantum technologies ecosystem in Europe.

As Prof. Jürgen Mlynek, Chair of the Quantum Flagship Strategic Advisory Board, expresses, “Europe is striving to take a leading role in the second quantum revolution currently unfolding worldwide. Considering the efforts mounted around the globe though, it will not be possible to remain at the forefront without the continent-wide support that has carried the European Quantum Flagship so far. This is why I am particularly looking forward to these meetings where the community at large can come together and exchange ideas about the present and future of quantum technologies.”

+  Organised by the Finnish Presidency, Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, the Academy of Finland, and the Quantum Flagship, this two-day event is an opportunity for the scientific community, industry representatives as well as policymakers to come together to set the basis and define the next steps for the advancement of these technologies in the region.

+  Thus, the first day will be focused on giving an overview of the present and future of the quantum technologies landscape and underlying infrastructures in the framework of pan-European initiatives such as the Quantum Flagship and national and regional initiatives such as Quantum Technology Finland, among others. It will include keynote talks by representatives of the Academy of Finland, the European Commission, the Quantum Flagship, Aalto University, the Technical Research Centre of Finland, as well as by experts in the technology and industry sector.

+  The second day will focus on the overall scientific strategy of the Quantum Flagship, specifically on its Strategic Research Agenda, and related initiatives, inviting the community to actively participate and provide additional feedback to different aspects of the future goals of initiative. More specifically, community feedback sessions will be held on different topics such as education, engineering and infrastructures.

Source:  EurekAlert!  News Release,  European quantum experts meet in Helsinki to discuss the progress & future of quantum technologies…

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