British Columbia Funding Quantum Algorithms Institute

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British Columbia Funding Quantum Algorithms Institute

Province commits $17M to quantum computing institute

Excerpts and salient points ~

+  The province is committing $17 million over five years toward a new quantum computing institute at Surrey’s Simon Fraser University campus.

“This is only a beginning and we will attract much more once this institute is up and running,” said Ralston.

+  The quantum computing sector is attracting youth and young adults and so, with Surrey having the province’s highest and fastest youth population, the location fits into the institute’s needs and goals.

+  The institute is to be the first brick laid on an envisioned “innovation corridor” in Surrey, said Premier John Horgan.

+  “Working with our partners, we will create an innovation hub where companies and talent will cluster, supporting our goal of a strong, sustainable economy that benefits the entire province,” Horgan said via a statement.

+  Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum said the city is on pace for record growth with $1.6 billion in building permits issued in the first three quarters of 2019.

+  Ralston said quantum computing will be important for supply chain logistics, medical research, transportation and materials development, among other things. McCallum said quantum computing has already been deployed by the city in one pilot project for a driverless bus.

Source:  Times Colonist.  Tyler Orton, Graeme Wood,  Province commits $17M to quantum computing institute…

Content may have been edited for style and clarity.

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