Quantum Technology Academia, Business, and Industry Connected Via New ‘Ecosystem for Innovation’

Quantum Technology Academia, Business, and Industry Connected Via New ‘Ecosystem for Innovation’

Quantum Delft website launched!

Excerpt from Announcement…

+  Quantum Delft, a newly formed community of all the quantum-tech research groups and businesses located in Delft, has launched a new website! Visit it at www.quantumdelft.nl. The aim of Quantum Delft is to attract new innovative quantum businesses to Delft and keep the Quantum Delft residents connected and up to date on the latest developments.

+  One of the founders of the Quantum Delft ecosystem is QuTech. “In Delft, a whole new ecosystem of research and companies has emerged around the quantum institute QuTech, a joint initiative by TU Delft and TNO. Microsoft now has its own quantum lab located at TU Delft Campus, and several smaller high-tech companies are coming to us.” explains the Scientific Director of QuTech, Ronald Hanson on the Quantum Delft website.

+  Fifteen residents currently make up the Quantum Delft ecosystem. This includes several start-ups like Qblox and Delft Circuits, and companies such as Microsoft and KPN. They invite all new innovative quantum businesses that are interested in growing their business here to join Quantum Delft, Ecosystem for innovation.

Source:  QU Tech.  QU Tech,  Quantum Delft website launched!

Content may have been edited for style and clarity.

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