Bull and Bear Horns to Sky

The worth in this piece from the quantum computing standpoint is simple: Fidelity is testing out a new crypto data platform. It’s born out of the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology. FACT is the same location where Fidelity is known to be studying quantum computing. Some quick research turned up little as to what Fidelity is planning with quantum computing. Time will tell. We could guess, but, nah. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

Fidelity tests out new crypto data platform

Points to note…

+  Sherlock Analytics, as the program is known, marks Fidelity’s latest foray into Bitcoin and other digital assets. At CEO Abigail Johnson’s direction, the Boston-based firm is developing a reputation as one of the few U.S. financial services giant that’s putting significant resources into crypto.

+  Sherlock is currently in “limited beta release,” with users confined to “a small group of early adopters,” Fidelity spokesperson Nicole Abbott said.

Fidelity Investments is piloting a platform for cryptocurrency data and analytics that’s targeted at institutional investors — a concept that came out of the company’s in-house technology incubator.

+  Sherlock was created by the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology, an in-house incubator known for experimenting with technologies ranging from virtual reality to quantum computing. While some of Fidelity’s tech experiments never make it past the experimental stage, others catch on and even become standalone businesses.

+  On the crypto side, Fidelity recently made waves when it appointed veteran executive Peter Jubber to oversee a new bitcoin fund. Last year, it rolled out a custody business for Bitcoin and launched an affiliate that makes venture capital investments in crypto- and blockchain-related startups.

Source:  Boston Business Journal.  Greg Ryan,  Fidelity tests out new crypto data platform…

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