The Shorts | 6/14/21 | Government & Policy in Quantum Computing

BOOST FOR TECH SECTOR Global firm Partners with U of C | Bangalore-based Mphasis Ltd., a provider of IT outsourcing services, announced Wednesday that it will set up a Canadian headquarters in Calgary . The move is expected to create 500 to 1,000 local jobs within the next two to three years, according to company CEO Nitin Rakesh.  Source: Calgary Herald.   BOOST FOR TECH SECTOR Global firm Partners with U of C…

How Federal Investment in Quantum Affects State, Local Gov | Experts in quantum computing say the federal government’s continued support of the emerging technology will have implications for state and local government entities, particularly as it applies to economic development.  Source: government technology.   How Federal Investment in Quantum Affects State, Local Gov…

IBM partners with U.K. on $300M quantum computing research initiative | The U.K. government and IBM this week announced a five-year £210 million ($297.5 million) artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing collaboration, in the hopes of making new discoveries and developing sustainable technologies in fields ranging from life sciences to manufacturing.  Source: VB.  IBM partners with U.K. on $300M quantum computing research initiative…

Trinity, Microsoft join forces to accelerate next-generation quantum technologies | Trinity College Dublin and Microsoft Ireland announced details of a new collaboration focused on accelerating advancements in next-generation quantum technologies and attracting and training future world-leaders in the field. The collaboration will further strengthen Ireland’s position as a key player in quantum research globally.  Source:  Trinity, Microsoft join forces to accelerate next-generation quantum technologies…

DOE Early Career Research Awardee to Study Quantum Materials | The U.S. Department of Energy awarded Jin Hu, a physicist at the U of A, with a prestigious Early Career Research Program award to support his research on topological quantum materials, which have promising applications in information storage and quantum computing. The $750,000 award will be used to develop greater understanding of these materials, which have novel electronic properties. The goal is to create new directions for inquiry and generate momentum for the deployment of quantum materials in new technologies.   Source: University of Arkansas.   DOE Early Career Research Awardee to Study Quantum Materials…

A Consortium of European Digital Players to Design the Future EU Quantum Internet | The European Commission has selected a consortium of companies and research institutes to study the design of the future European quantum communication network, EuroQCI (quantum communication infrastructure). It will enable ultra-secure communication between critical infrastructures and government institutions across the European Union.  Source: Aviation Pros.   A Consortium of European Digital Players to Design the Future EU Quantum Internet…

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