The Shorts | 8/11/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard
The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt 

Omobono’s Annie Gelinas discusses quantum computing | A year ago, China announced the creation of the Sunway TaihuLight computer, which has the capacity to carry out 93 quadrillion calculations per second. Impressive right? While this represents a fantastic achievement, this machine is likely to be outsmarted in the next few months. Science is at a cross road and it would seem binary computers have taken us as far as we can go. So what’s next?  Source: AVIATION BUSNESSME.COM.   Omobono’s Annie Gelinas discusses quantum computing…

New viable means of storing information for quantum technologies? | Quantum information could be behind the next technological revolution. By analogy with the bit in classical computing, the qubit is the basic element of quantum computing. However, demonstrating the existence of this information storage unit and using it remains complex, and hence limited. In a study published on 3 August 2021 in Physical Review X, an international research team consisting of CNRS researcher Fabio Pistolesi1 and two foreign researchers used theoretical calculations to show that it is possible to realize a new type of qubit, in which information is stored in the oscillation amplitude of a carbon nanotube.  Source: CNRS.   New viable means of storing information for quantum technologies…

Integrating Photon Sources On Chips | Photonics is a promising technology for enabling quantum computing in the future. Photonic devices allow us to switch faster and more reliably than silicon based semiconductor devices. The only thing that is limiting the development of photonics based quantum computers is the lack of on-chip sources able to generate high-quality single photons. Low-noise source of photons is the basis for quantum computers.   Source:   Integrating Photon Sources On Chips…

Low-power dynamic manipulation of single nanoscale quantum objects | Led by Justus Ndukaife, assistant professor of electrical engineering, Vanderbilt researchers are the first to introduce an approach for trapping and moving a nanomaterial known as a single colloidal nanodiamond with nitrogen-vacancy center using low power laser beam. The width of a single human hair is approximately 90,000 nanometers; nanodiamonds are less than 100 nanometers. These carbon-based materials are one of the few that can release the basic unit of all light — a single photon — a building block for future quantum photonics applications, Ndukaife explains.  Source: ScienceDaily.   Low-power dynamic manipulation of single nanoscale quantum objects…

Startup Atom Takes a Chilling Approach to Quantum Computing | Atom recently unveiled its first quantum computer, dubbed “Phoenix,” a 100-atom system. The Berkeley, Calif.-based company, founded in 2018, also said that it had raised $15 million in Series A funding from venture capital firms Venrock, Innovation Endeavors and Prelude Ventures, and named former Lenovo and Intel executive Rob Hays as its president and CEO.  Source: THENEWSTACK.   Startup Atom Takes a Chilling Approach to Quantum Computing…

Scientists Invent a New Information Storage and Processing Device | A team of scientists has developed a means to create a new type of memory, marking a notable breakthrough in the increasingly sophisticated field of artificial intelligence.   Source: NYU.   Scientists Invent a New Information Storage and Processing Device…

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