The Shorts | 8/20/21 | Science and Research in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of science and research. Mea Cubitt

Exploring the limits of light-matter coupling at the nanoscale | The interplay between light and matter encompasses a stunning spectrum of phenomena, from photosynthesis to the captivating colors of rainbows and butterfly wings. Diverse as these manifestations may be, they involve very weak light-matter coupling—in essence, light interacts with the material system but does not change its basic properties.   Source: PHYS.ORG.   Exploring the limits of light-matter coupling at the nanoscale…

Personalizing cancer treatment with quantum computing | Cancer patients’ medical records can often comprise up to 100 terabytes of individual — and usually very heterogeneous — data, including blood and tumor values, personal indicators, sequencing and treatment data, and much more besides. Up to now, it has been virtually impossible to use this wealth of information efficiently due to a lack of appropriate processing mechanisms. As a result, the possibility of using promising personalized treatment approaches remains purely theoretical for many cancers, and patients are still receiving standard treatments.  Source:   Personalizing cancer treatment with quantum computing…

Scientists Can Predict and Design Single Atom Catalysts for Important Chemical Reactions | Researchers at Tufts University, University College London (UCL), Cambridge University and University of California at Santa Barbara have demonstrated that a catalyst can indeed be an agent of change. In a study published today in Science, they used quantum chemical simulations run on supercomputers to predict a new catalyst architecture as well as its interactions with certain chemicals, and demonstrated in practice its ability to produce propylene – currently in short supply – which is critically needed in the manufacture of plastics, fabrics and other chemicals. The improvements have potential for highly efficient, “greener” chemistry with a lower carbon footprint.  Source: TuftsNow.   Scientists Can Predict and Design Single Atom Catalysts for Important Chemical Reactions…

AURORA EXASCALE SYSTEM TO ADVANCE DARK MATTER RESEARCH | Scientists have unlocked many atomic secrets through physics research that studies particle interactions such as quarks, gluons, protons, and neutrons within the nucleus of an atom. However, little is known about a mysterious form of matter that has been named dark matter.  Source: THENEXTPLATFORM.   AURORA EXASCALE SYSTEM TO ADVANCE DARK MATTER RESEARCH…

Katie Sautter: building materials for a quantum future | Katie Sautter is an architect of exquisite, invisible structures. Built one atomic layer at a time, her team’s atomically engineered samples are the starting points for new materials that could one day enable a quantum network.  Source: Argonne.   Katie Sautter: building materials for a quantum future…

Google’s ‘time crystals’ could be a breakthrough for quantum computers | Time crystals sound like majestic objects from science fiction movies that unlock passageways to alternate universes. In the Marvel universe, the “time stone” gives wielders control over the past, present, and future.  Source: STARS AND STRIPES.   Google’s ‘time crystals’ could be a breakthrough for quantum computers…

Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy | Scientists studying particle collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science user facility for nuclear physics research at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory—have produced definitive evidence for two physics phenomena predicted more than 80 years ago. The results were derived from a detailed analysis of more than 6,000 pairs of electrons and positrons produced in glancing particle collisions at RHIC and are published in Physical Review Letters.   Source: Brookhaven National Laboratory.   Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy…

Google has a time crystal research paper but quantum startups have millions in funding | Google made news recently with its pre-publication research paper about time crystals and quantum computing. The paper has not been peer reviewed yet but the discovery has the potential to add stability to quantum hardware. This work is still deep in the laboratory but other advancements in quantum computing are pushing the field even closer to production.  Source: Boost your ROI.   Google has a time crystal research paper but quantum startups have millions in funding…

Patterning silicon at the one-nanometer scale | (Nanowerk News) Researchers have developed an innovative technique for creating nanomaterials. These are materials only atoms wide. They draw on nanoscience to allow scientists to control their construction and behavior. The new electron beam nanofabrication technique is called plasmon engineering. It achieves unprecedented near-atomic scale control of patterning in silicon.  Source: nano werk.   Patterning silicon at the one-nanometer scale…

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