The Shorts | 9/2/21 | Government and Policy in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of government and policy. Mea Cubitt

West Bengal govt earmarks 100 acres more for IT hub, says minister | The West Bengal government has earmarked another 100 acres of land for its Silicon Valley Tech Hub and is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that it becomes the information technology hub of not only India but also the world, state IT Minister Partha Chatterjee said on Thursday.  Source: Business Standard.   West Bengal govt earmarks 100 acres more for IT hub, says minister…

IBM partners IIT Madras to enhance industry relevant skills | BENGALURU: IBM Corp said on Thursday it will collaborate with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras to support their online BSc degree programme and augment select courses on the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) platform.  Source: mint.   IBM partners IIT Madras to enhance industry relevant skills…

How to ensure Canada’s quantum computing strategy is a success | Quantum computing is on the verge of sparking a paradigm shift. Once in the realm of academic theory, quantum computing goes beyond the binary limitations of the classical computer – which processes information in bits represented as ones and zeros – to solve problems considered intractable on even the world’s most advanced supercomputers. But to ensure Canada takes advantage of this point of inflection, government, industry and academic stakeholders must work hand-in-hand to do three things: enable access to leading-edge quantum computing technology, expand education and skills development, and foster deep collaboration focused on the most promising commercial industries.  Source: POLICY OPTIONS POLITQUES.   How to ensure Canada’s quantum computing strategy is a success…

Entanglement extends reach towards National Science Foundation and Midwest Quantum Academia | ntanglement Inc. (Ei), an early-stage deep technology company, joins Accenture, Cummins, and Quantum Computing Inc. in becoming the first committed members to the Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT), an alliance between Purdue University (lead site), Indiana University, the University of Notre Dame, and Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis (IUPUI). The CQT will partner with industry and government stakeholders to identify compelling needs and challenges, and then develop novel quantum technologies to address them. Committed industry and government members will provide funding to the center’s researchers and will obtain early access to findings applicable to their organizations. These “solutions-findings” will address the increasing demand of private sector companies for applications that demonstrate a quantum advantage in an overgrowing competitive landscape for optimization solutions.  Source: INSIDER.   Entanglement extends reach towards National Science Foundation and Midwest Quantum Academia…

CMC outlines plan to accelerate high tech manufacturing in Canada | CMC Microsystems (CMC), has brought together 14 project founders from industry, academia and non-profit technology research organizations to support a five year, $700 M program to accelerate high tech manufacturing in Canada.  Source: EP&T.   CMC outlines plan to accelerate high tech manufacturing in Canada…

Aziza Almanakly, Belinda Li receive Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellowship for Women | MIT PhD students Aziza Almanakly and Belinda Li have been selected as the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) recipients of the multi-year Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellowship for Women, an honor designed to encourage and support graduate women in STEM. The rigorous selection process for this prestigious fellowship took into account the two students’ outstanding track record of scientific achievement and inquiry, as well as their contributions to the STEM community.  Source: MIT News.   Aziza Almanakly, Belinda Li receive Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellowship for Women…

Andrea Gardiner on Australia’s startup funding gap | While the federal government’s Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships (ESVCLP) program had attracted billions into the innovation ecosystem in recent years, a critical funding gap remains at the earliest stages of a startup’s journey to success.  Source: InovationAus.   Andrea Gardiner on Australia’s startup funding gap…

10 DOE-Backed Projects Target Energy Efficiency in Microelectronic Tech Production | The Department of Energy has selected 10 projects to receive $54 million over three years to develop energy-efficiency approaches for designing and manufacturing microelectronic products.  Source: ExecutiveGov.   10 DOE-Backed Projects Target Energy Efficiency in Microelectronic Tech Production…

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