The Shorts | 10/6/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard
The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt 

Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Cornell Chronicle | Asia Society Japan and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) will jointly launch the OIST & ASJ Quantum / Cyber Security Seminar Series, exploring different aspects of quantum technology and its future impact. World-renowned quantum scientists from all over the world will be invited to navigate us through the important developments. Our first speaker is Dr. Alexander Ling, who is the Director of Quantum Engineering Programme at the Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore. Dr. Artur Ekert is the navigator.  Source: ASIA SOCIETY.   Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Cornell Chronicle…

Optical chip protects quantum technology from errors | In today’s digital infrastructure, the data-bits we use to send and process information can either be 0 or 1. Being able to correct possible errors that may occur in computations using these bits is a vital part of information processing and communication systems. But a quantum computer uses quantum bits, which can be a kind of mixture of 0 and 1, known as quantum super-position. This mixture is vital to their power—but it makes error correction far more complicated.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   Optical chip protects quantum technology from errors…

Russian Scientists Manoeuvre Supercomputer To Probe Google’s Quantum Processor Limits | Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (CPQM) Laboratory for Quantum Information Processing has collaborated with Computational and Data Science and Engineering (CDISE) supercomputing team known as ‘Zhores’ to mimic the quantum processor by Google. The collaborative team were able to point out a subtle effect lurking in Google’s data with the reproduction of noiseless data using the same statistics used in Google’s recent experiments, in the results published in the field’s leading journal Quantum.  Source: techbooky.   Russian Scientists Manoeuvre Supercomputer To Probe Google’s Quantum Processor Limits…

Intel’s new neuromorphic Loihi 2 chip brings tenfold performance boost | Intel Corp. today debuted a new neuromorphic chip, Loihi 2, with 1 million artificial neurons made using a cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing process not yet in production. The company says that Loihi 2 is up to 10 times faster than its previous neuromorphic processor.   Source: siliconANGLE.   Intel’s new neuromorphic Loihi 2 chip brings tenfold performance boost…

Intel Launches 2nd Loihi Neuromorphic Chip; LANL Investigating ‘Trade-offs’ Between Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing | Intel today released an update on its neuromorphic computing strategy, introducing Loihi 2, its second-generation neuromorphic research chip, and Lava, an open-source software framework for developing “neuro-inspired” applications.  Source: insideHPC.   Intel Launches 2nd Loihi Neuromorphic Chip; LANL Investigating ‘Trade-offs’ Between Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing…

INFINIBAND INNOVATION IS ABOUT MORE THAN BANDWIDTH AND LATENCY | Sponsored Moving more bits across a copper wire or optical cable at a lower cost per bit shifted has been the dominant driver of datacenter networking since distributed systems were first developed more than three decades ago  Source: THE NEXT PLATFORM.   INFINIBAND INNOVATION IS ABOUT MORE THAN BANDWIDTH AND LATENCY…

British firm claims quantum-computing breakthrough | A UK start-up says it has made one of the world’s smallest quantum computers. Orca Computing, founded two years ago by Oxford academics led by Prof Ian Walmsley, whose work on photonics is at the heart of the company, says its novel approach will make quantum computing more commercially viable.  Source: yahoo!news.   British firm claims quantum-computing breakthrough…

Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Fumbling to find flashlights during blackouts may soon be a distant memory, as quantum computing and artificial intelligence could learn to decipher an electric grid’s problematic quirks and solve system hiccups so fast, humans may not notice.  Source: CORNELL CHRONICLE.   Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid…

New Synthetic Learning May Inspire Future Neuromorphic AI | A new peer-reviewed study published this week in PNAS shows how learning, an important aspect of human intelligence, can be recreated in synthetic matter—a discovery that can lead to new forms of artificial intelligence (AI) and neuromorphic computing in the future.  Source: Psychology Today.   New Synthetic Learning May Inspire Future Neuromorphic AI…

Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers | Osaka University and Fujitsu Limited today announced the establishment of the Fujitsu Quantum Computing Joint Research Division as a collaborative research division at the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology (hereinafter QIQB) of Osaka University.  Source: BENZINGA.   Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers…

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