The Long of The Shorts | Week Ending 10/9/2021 | Quantum Computing

Einstein on a Dictionary

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a compilation derived from The Shorts posted on The Qubit Report this week.  Mea Cubitt

Business & Industry

Quantum Computing Market Recent Trends, Developments, Challenges and Opportunities | The quantum computing market is at an infant stage, where players are posing intense competition to each other for commercializing quantum computing systems. These advanced systems would be extremely powerful than the traditional computers, in terms of speed and accuracy. In the coming years, this futuristic technology would coexist with the classical computers. Some of the key players working toward the development of this next-generation computing system include Intel Corporation, IBM Corporation, Huawei Investment & Holding Co. Ltd., Alphabet Inc., Zapata Computing Inc., Silicon Quantum Computing, and Microsoft Corporation.  Source: openPR.   Quantum Computing Market Recent Trends, Developments, Challenges and Opportunities…

Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc – ASIC UltraBoost – Patent Application | The board of Quantum Blockchain Technologies (AIM: QBT) is pleased to inform shareholders that, as an initial result of its new research and development (“R&D”) strategy in respect of disruptive proprietary techniques for Bitcoin mining, the Company, following the outstanding research work of its cryptography expert, has filed an application for its first patent- the ASIC UltraBoost.  Source:   Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc – ASIC UltraBoost – Patent Application…

Major Quantum Computing Strategy Suffers Serious Setbacks | In 2018, researchers at the forefront of an entirely new approach to building quantum computers published, in the journal Nature, what looked to be a landmark achievement. Existing quantum computers are notoriously fragile, their quantum bits — qubits — prone to incurring random errors. But if the qubits could be made from strange configurations of electrons with the exotic name of Majorana zero-mode (MZM) quasiparticles, errors simply couldn’t occur. An MZM qubit can no more suffer a random error than you can separate the links of a chain without cutting them — the basic principles of topology, the mathematics of shape, protects against it.  Source: Quantamagazine.   Major Quantum Computing Strategy Suffers Serious Setbacks…

IonQ is set to make its public trading debut. Here’s a look at the quantum computing company’s 2021 highlights | This week, College Park, Maryland quantum computing company IonQ is officially going public. Following a merger with dMY Technology Group Inc. III, which is a special purpose acquisition company based in Las Vegas, the firm will begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, Oct. 1. The merger was officially approved on Tuesday by dMY III stockholders.  Source: Technically.   IonQ is set to make its public trading debut. Here’s a look at the quantum computing company’s 2021 highlights…

IonQ and Quantum Machines Keep the Ball Rolling for Quantum Processing Units | As the field of quantum computing continues to heat up, two startups: IonQ and Quantum Machines, are hoping to fuel the fire with quantum processor architectures and a boost in funding  Source: ALL ABOUT CIRCUTS.   IonQ and Quantum Machines Keep the Ball Rolling for Quantum Processing Units…

Intel unveils second-generation neuromorphic computing chip | Intel today announced a major update to its neuromorphic computing program, including a second-generation chip called Loihi 2 and Lava, an open source framework for developing “neuro-inspired” applications. The company is now offering two Loihi 2-based neuromorphic systems — Oheo Gulch and Kapoho Point. They will be available through a cloud service to members of the Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC) and Lava via GitHub for free.  Source: Venturebeat.   Intel unveils second-generation neuromorphic computing chip…

Citi joins $25 million round in quantum pioneer QC Ware | Koch Disruptive Technologies and polymer company Covestro, co-led the round with participation from Samsung Ventures and returning investors Citi, the D. E. Shaw group, and Pegasus Tech Ventures.  Source: Finextra.   Citi joins $25 million round in quantum pioneer QC Ware…

IonQ, GE Partner on Quantum Computing for Risk Analysis | IonQ, a leader in quantum computing, recently announced an initiative in partnership with GE Research to explore the impact of quantum computing and IonQ’s quantum computers in the pivotal field of risk analysis  Source: The FAST MODE.   IonQ, GE Partner on Quantum Computing for Risk Analysis…

11 IMPORTANT QUANTUM COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONIZATIONS | Quantum computing is still very much in infancy, as conventional computing pushes the boundaries of what can be done using known manufacturing methods. Despite this, quantum computing inspires awe in computer scientists, confusion in business leaders, and dread in cryptography specialists. According to some predictions, the quantum computing business will be worth US$5 billion by 2020, indicating that it will grow rapidly in the next few years. So, how can businesses profit from this development? What are the areas where quantum computing excels? Here are 11 quantum computing revolutionaries to look into.  Source: Analytics Insight.   11 IMPORTANT QUANTUM COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONIZATIONS…

Quantum Computing Market Recent Trends, Developments, Challenges and Opportunities | The escalating investments from governments and private firms for the development of quantum science and technology will drive the quantum computing market at 33.1% CAGR during 2020–2030. The market stood at $89.6 million in 2019 and it is expected to reach $1,866.8 million by 2030. Moreover, the government organizations are extending immense support for commercialization of quantum computing by undertaking various initiatives to promote the same. Industry experts are also recognizing the vitality of developing a coordinated strategy to offer financial help to quantum-related education and research  Source: openPR.   Quantum Computing Market Recent Trends, Developments, Challenges and Opportunities…

Week In Review: Design, Low Power | Valens Semiconductor began trading on the New York Stock Exchange as VLN after a merger with special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) PTK Acquisition Corp. Valens offers high-speed connectivity chips for the audio-video and automotive markets, including its HDBaseT technology for connectivity between ultra-HD video sources and remote displays and its in-vehicle high-speed links. The transaction generated about $155 million. Founded in 2006, Valens is based in Hod Hasharon, Israel.  Source: SEMICONDUCTOR ENGINEERING.   Week In Review: Design, Low Power…

Intel’s Loihi: Cool Even If You’re Not In the C-Suite | Several years ago, Intel unveiled Loihi, its first public neuromorphic research processor. The term “neuromorphic” is essentially a catch-all for any type of processor that attempts to mimic the function of the brain. Because the brain is a complex organism, different chips can be neuromorphic in different ways, depending on which aspect of the brain’s design they attempt to copy.  Source: ExtremeTech.   Intel’s Loihi: Cool Even If You’re Not In the C-Suite…

IonQ sets sights on new growth targets after going public | Peter Chapman knows that there’s a lot of work yet to do, but on Friday, the IonQ Inc. CEO was content to bask in the historic milestone of taking the quantum computing company to Wall Street.  Source: WASHINGTON BUSINESS JOURNAL.   IonQ sets sights on new growth targets after going public…

A Boulder Company Is Leading the Next Technology Revolution | Although still in their infancy, quantum computers are already big business, with IBM, Microsoft, Google, and state actors like China cumulatively investing billions to develop the superfast number crunchers. But ColdQuanta, a relatively tiny Boulder firm, may beat them all to a major milestone later this year: releasing a 100-qubit quantum computer.  Source: 5280 DENVER’S MILE HIGH MAGAZINE.   A Boulder Company Is Leading the Next Technology Revolution…

Cybersecurity & Cryptography

Quantum eMotion Emphasizes the Critical Challenges Faced by Cybersecurity in a National Post Article | Quantum eMotion Inc. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) (FSE: 34Q) (“QeM” or the “Company”) reports that the Company and its technology was the topic of an article entitled “Futureproofing Cybersecurity Using Quantum Technology” in today’s edition of the National Post.  Source: yahoo!finance.   Quantum eMotion Emphasizes the Critical Challenges Faced by Cybersecurity in a National Post Article…

New partnership between QEP and Thales to spur innovation in quantum security and quantum sensors | The National University of Singapore (NUS) and Thales have inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to mark the start of a two-year partnership to jointly develop and test quantum technologies for commercial applications.  Source: EurekAlert!.   New partnership between QEP and Thales to spur innovation in quantum security and quantum sensors…

Latvian Operator LMT Tests Data Encryption with Quantum Technologies | To ensure the highest level of security for data transmission both in civil and defense areas, LMT has collaborated with the Latvian network equipment manufacturer, MikroTik, and the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia (LU MII) on the R&D of quantum network innovations.   Source: THE FAST MODE.   Latvian Operator LMT Tests Data Encryption with Quantum Technologies…

Cybersecurity, AI, and 5G: Top tech features in new defense spending bill | The House passed major defense funding legislation last week, and provisions related to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, the digital workforce, and 5G wireless capabilities are the top tech-related amendments that made the bill.  Source: yahoo!news.   Cybersecurity, AI, and 5G: Top tech features in new defense spending bill…

Cyber resilience: Protecting America’s digital infrastructure | Federal leaders need to continue to make progress on the basics of cyber hygiene, but they also have to look ahead to the next generation of threats. In this episode of the McKinsey on Government podcast, McKinsey partner Tucker Bailey and former US congressman Will Hurd discuss the emerging cyberthreat landscape, the role of the chief information officer (CIO), and the future of the federal cyber workforce. An edited transcript of their conversation follows.  Source: McKinsey.   Cyber resilience: Protecting America’s digital infrastructure…

NEW PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN QEP AND THALES TO SPUR INNOVATION IN QUANTUM SECURITY AND QUANTUM SENSORS | The National University of Singapore (NUS) and Thales have inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to mark the start of a two-year partnership to jointly develop and test quantum technologies for commercial applications  Source: THALES.   NEW PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN QEP AND THALES TO SPUR INNOVATION IN QUANTUM SECURITY AND QUANTUM SENSORS…

New partnership between QEP and Thales to spur innovation in quantum security and quantum sensors |   Source: Thales. Thales  New partnership between QEP and Thales to spur innovation in quantum security and quantum sensors…

Technology & Hardware

Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Cornell Chronicle | Asia Society Japan and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) will jointly launch the OIST & ASJ Quantum / Cyber Security Seminar Series, exploring different aspects of quantum technology and its future impact. World-renowned quantum scientists from all over the world will be invited to navigate us through the important developments. Our first speaker is Dr. Alexander Ling, who is the Director of Quantum Engineering Programme at the Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore. Dr. Artur Ekert is the navigator.  Source: ASIA SOCIETY.   Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Cornell Chronicle…

Optical chip protects quantum technology from errors | In today’s digital infrastructure, the data-bits we use to send and process information can either be 0 or 1. Being able to correct possible errors that may occur in computations using these bits is a vital part of information processing and communication systems. But a quantum computer uses quantum bits, which can be a kind of mixture of 0 and 1, known as quantum super-position. This mixture is vital to their power—but it makes error correction far more complicated.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   Optical chip protects quantum technology from errors…

Russian Scientists Manoeuvre Supercomputer To Probe Google’s Quantum Processor Limits | Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (CPQM) Laboratory for Quantum Information Processing has collaborated with Computational and Data Science and Engineering (CDISE) supercomputing team known as ‘Zhores’ to mimic the quantum processor by Google. The collaborative team were able to point out a subtle effect lurking in Google’s data with the reproduction of noiseless data using the same statistics used in Google’s recent experiments, in the results published in the field’s leading journal Quantum.  Source: techbooky.   Russian Scientists Manoeuvre Supercomputer To Probe Google’s Quantum Processor Limits…

Intel’s new neuromorphic Loihi 2 chip brings tenfold performance boost | Intel Corp. today debuted a new neuromorphic chip, Loihi 2, with 1 million artificial neurons made using a cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing process not yet in production. The company says that Loihi 2 is up to 10 times faster than its previous neuromorphic processor.   Source: siliconANGLE.   Intel’s new neuromorphic Loihi 2 chip brings tenfold performance boost…

Intel Launches 2nd Loihi Neuromorphic Chip; LANL Investigating ‘Trade-offs’ Between Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing | Intel today released an update on its neuromorphic computing strategy, introducing Loihi 2, its second-generation neuromorphic research chip, and Lava, an open-source software framework for developing “neuro-inspired” applications.  Source: insideHPC.   Intel Launches 2nd Loihi Neuromorphic Chip; LANL Investigating ‘Trade-offs’ Between Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing…

INFINIBAND INNOVATION IS ABOUT MORE THAN BANDWIDTH AND LATENCY | Sponsored Moving more bits across a copper wire or optical cable at a lower cost per bit shifted has been the dominant driver of datacenter networking since distributed systems were first developed more than three decades ago  Source: THE NEXT PLATFORM.   INFINIBAND INNOVATION IS ABOUT MORE THAN BANDWIDTH AND LATENCY…

British firm claims quantum-computing breakthrough | A UK start-up says it has made one of the world’s smallest quantum computers. Orca Computing, founded two years ago by Oxford academics led by Prof Ian Walmsley, whose work on photonics is at the heart of the company, says its novel approach will make quantum computing more commercially viable.  Source: yahoo!news.   British firm claims quantum-computing breakthrough…

Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Fumbling to find flashlights during blackouts may soon be a distant memory, as quantum computing and artificial intelligence could learn to decipher an electric grid’s problematic quirks and solve system hiccups so fast, humans may not notice.  Source: CORNELL CHRONICLE.   Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid…

New Synthetic Learning May Inspire Future Neuromorphic AI | A new peer-reviewed study published this week in PNAS shows how learning, an important aspect of human intelligence, can be recreated in synthetic matter—a discovery that can lead to new forms of artificial intelligence (AI) and neuromorphic computing in the future.  Source: Psychology Today.   New Synthetic Learning May Inspire Future Neuromorphic AI…

Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers | Osaka University and Fujitsu Limited today announced the establishment of the Fujitsu Quantum Computing Joint Research Division as a collaborative research division at the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology (hereinafter QIQB) of Osaka University.  Source: BENZINGA.   Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers…

Government & Policy

Quantum Appoints Data Scientist Emily White to Board of Directors | Quantum Corporation (NASDAQ: QMCO) today announced that Emily White has joined the company’s Board of Directors. White’s extensive experience in data science and analytics will be instrumental in Quantum’s mission to help organizations manage and enrich their data in order to drive their businesses forward.  Source: inside HPC.   Quantum Appoints Data Scientist Emily White to Board of Directors…

Photonex 2021: Developing the role of photonics in a changing world | For decades, the photonics industry has been at the forefront of global innovation and research. Developments such as advanced LIDAR systems for autonomous vehicles, secure quantum computers and 5G communications, ensure that this sector remains as relevant as ever with the potential for major growth across multiple technologies  Source:   Photonex 2021: Developing the role of photonics in a changing world…

NSF Funds $1.8M for Univ. of Michigan Research for Room Temperature, Controllable Quantum Nanomaterials | An effort to create quantum semiconductors that operate at room temperature has been awarded $1.8 million by the National Science Foundation. The success of the University of Michigan team could lead to the integration of quantum information and communications technologies with conventional computers—as well as advances in high-precision sensing and more sustainable UV lamps for sterilization and air purification.  Source: insideHPC.   NSF Funds $1.8M for Univ. of Michigan Research for Room Temperature, Controllable Quantum Nanomaterials…

Cornell University: Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid | Fumbling to find flashlights during blackouts may soon be a distant memory, as quantum computing and artificial intelligence could learn to decipher an electric grid’s problematic quirks and solve system hiccups so fast, humans may not notice.  Source: energycentral.   Cornell University: Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid…

Arqit appoints Jason Nabi as MD of new financial services division | Arqit Quantum Inc. (“Arqit”), a leader in quantum encryption technology, is pleased to announce the appointment of Jason Nabi as Managing Director, Financial Services, with immediate effect.  Source: Finextra.   Arqit appoints Jason Nabi as MD of new financial services division…

UMD president: Quantum physics will revolutionize the DMV region | COMMENTARY | Friday morning, I traveled to New York City to witness IonQ — the revolutionary startup born out of research at the University of Maryland, where I am president — become the first publicly traded pure-play hardware and software company in the quantum computing space. As I prepared to stand alongside IonQ’s founders and leaders to ring the ceremonial bell, I was struck by a heavy realization: It’s here — the quantum revolution I’ve been preparing for, talking about incessantly, and working tirelessly to champion has arrived.  Source: THE BALTIMORE SUN.   UMD president: Quantum physics will revolutionize the DMV region | COMMENTARY…

Africa’s rural universities aren’t delivering for the 21st Century | Education has been described as a tool for development. In certain instances, a good, stable and quality educational system is synonymous to development. But to play this role, education systems need to stay relevant. Institutions of learning and training centres must adjust their educational systems as well as their curricula to suit the demands of current times.  Source: THE CONVERSTATION.   Africa’s rural universities aren’t delivering for the 21st Century…

Algorithms & Software

Developers can build working quantum computing applications with open-source TKET | Software platforms for quantum computing applications are increasingly in demand. As such, the global quantum computing development community is receiving a major boost, as Cambridge Quantum will make its TKET software development kit fully open-source immediately.  Source: T_HQ.   Developers can build working quantum computing applications with open-source TKET…

Dell Technologies test hybrid emulation platform for quantum computing via Qiskit | Dell Technologies said it has been testing a hybrid emulation platform that can enable developers to run quantum applications on classical infrastructure.  Source: msn.   Dell Technologies test hybrid emulation platform for quantum computing via Qiskit…

CQ makes TKET quantum software development kit open-source | Cambridge Quantum (CQ) has announced the latest version of its hardware-agnostic quantum software development kit, TKET (pronounced “ticket”), is being made completely open-source, which is expected to provide a major boost to quantum computing development.  Source: embedded.   CQ makes TKET quantum software development kit open-source…

Science & Research

Zapata Computing Publishes New Research on Ground State Properties Estimation for Computing Chemical and Materials Properties | Zapata Computing, Inc., a leading enterprise software company for quantum solutions, today announced new research on ground state property estimation (GSPE) with major implications for the chemical and materials industries. In a just-published paper, “Computing Ground State Properties with Early Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers,” Zapata researchers demonstrated how early fault-tolerant quantum computers (FTQCs) could be used to compute chemical and materials properties to an extent not currently possible with even the most powerful classical computing resources.  Source: yahoo!finance.   Zapata Computing Publishes New Research on Ground State Properties Estimation for Computing Chemical and Materials Properties…

Researchers Find That Learning Can Be Mimicked in Synthetic Matter | Researchers at Rutgers University have found that learning can be mimicked in synthetic matter. Learning is a key feature of intelligence, and the new finding could have big implications for algorithm development in artificial intelligence (AI).  Source: UNITE.AI.   Researchers Find That Learning Can Be Mimicked in Synthetic Matter…

Correlated electrons ‘tango’ in a perovskite oxide at the extreme quantum limit | A team led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found a rare quantum material in which electrons move in coordinated ways, essentially “dancing.” Straining the material creates an electronic band structure that sets the stage for exotic, more tightly correlated behavior—akin to tangoing—among Dirac electrons, which are especially mobile electric charge carriers that may someday enable faster transistors. The results are published in the journal Science Advances.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   Correlated electrons ‘tango’ in a perovskite oxide at the extreme quantum limit…

Connecting the dots between material properties and qubit performance | Engineers and materials scientists studying superconducting quantum information bits (qubits) — a leading quantum computing material platform based on the frictionless flow of paired electrons — have collected clues hinting at the microscopic sources of qubit information loss. This loss is one of the major obstacles in realizing quantum computers capable of stringing together millions of qubits to run demanding computations.  Source: Science Daily.   Connecting the dots between material properties and qubit performance…

Connecting the Dots Between Material Properties and Superconducting Qubit Performance | Scientists performed transmission electron microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) at Brookhaven Lab’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials and National Synchrotron Light Source II to characterize the properties of niobium thin films made into superconducting qubit devices at Princeton University. A transmission electron microscope image of one of these films is shown in the background; overlaid on this image are XPS spectra (colored lines representing the relative concentrations of niobium metal and various niobium oxides as a function of film depth) and an illustration of a qubit device. Through these and other microscopy and spectroscopy studies, the team identified atomic-scale structural and surface chemistry defects that may be causing loss of quantum information—a hurdle to enabling practical quantum computers. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory  Source: SciTechDaily.   Connecting the Dots Between Material Properties and Superconducting Qubit Performance…

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