The Shorts | 10/28/21 | Government and Policy in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of government and policy. Mea Cubitt

Two Brookhaven Lab Physicists Named APS Fellows | The American Physical Society (APS) has elected two scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory as 2021 APS fellows. With more than 45,000 members from academia, government, and industry, APS seeks to advance and share physics knowledge through research journals, scientific meetings, and activities in education, outreach, and advocacy. Each year, a very small percentage of APS members are elevated to the status of fellow through a nomination and selection process. Fellows are recognized for their exceptional contributions to physics, including in research, applications, leadership and service, and education.  Source: Brookhaven National Laboratory.   Two Brookhaven Lab Physicists Named APS Fellows…

Three professors to receive Purdue’s most prestigious research awards | Three Purdue professors advancing quantum science and work-life and work-life family research policy have been chosen to receive the university’s most prestigious research and scholarship awards. Each recognizes recent accomplishments of high significance and impact.  Source: PURDUE UNIVERSITY.   Three professors to receive Purdue’s most prestigious research awards…

MATRIX AI Consortium at UTSA to co-host AI and Quantum Symposium | Three renowned research partners from academia, industry, and nonprofit are hosting a joint symposium this week focused on the current and future state of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing that’s open and free to all.  Source: UTSAToday.   MATRIX AI Consortium at UTSA to co-host AI and Quantum Symposium…

Argonne-led research team highlighted in special issue on quantum systems | In an article featured on the cover of this month’s Nature Reviews Materials, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago, and institutions in Japan, Korea and Hungary provide a blueprint for a class of materials that is quickly emerging as an important player in quantum science: crystals with defects.   Source: Argonne National Laboratory.   Argonne-led research team highlighted in special issue on quantum systems…

5 Steps to Prepare Security for the Quantum Era | The digital economy depends on trust in the internet—without it, neither businesses nor consumers would feel safe conducting business or spending time online. Making that trust possible today are cryptographic algorithms embedded in hardware and software throughout most enterprise infrastructure. Like a reliable and unbreakable lock, these algorithms help safeguard sensitive personal and financial information and verify the integrity of internet transactions, as well as the identity of users and systems.  Source: THE WALLSTREET JOURNAL.   5 Steps to Prepare Security for the Quantum Era…

7 Cross-Industry Technology Trends That Will Disrupt the World | Imagine a scenario where retailers combine sensors, computer vision, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and immersive and spatial computing to deliver immersive user experiences. Or imagine automakers using sensors to capture vehicle signals, monitor the condition of each system in the car, and notify the owner to schedule repairs before a breakdown occurs.  Source: DARKReading.   7 Cross-Industry Technology Trends That Will Disrupt the World…

NASA’s CIO Wants To Fire Up Quantum Computers And Break Down Data Silos At The Agency | NASA’s work on everything from space missions to studying climate change means that the U.S. agency generates mountains of data every day. Jeffrey Seaton, its CIO, is convinced quantum computers, which harness some of the exotic phenomena of quantum physics to generate unprecedented amounts of computing power, will be key to unlocking many more hugely valuable insights from that information treasure trove.  Source: Forbes.   NASA’s CIO Wants To Fire Up Quantum Computers And Break Down Data Silos At The Agency…

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