The Shorts | 12/8/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard
The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt

How to: Quantum Optics and correlation function measurements | In this workshop, Martin Felle, from ID Quantique looks at the second- and third-order correlation functions of Quantum Optics, and how to measure them. Whether characterizing purity of your photonic number states for QKD, implementing Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry for quantum imaging, carrying out photonic Bell state measurements in a quantum relay, correlation function measurements are a crucial addition to your quantum information toolbox.  Source: IDQ.   How to: Quantum Optics and correlation function measurements…

Green information technologies: Superconductivity meets spintronics | When two superconducting regions are separated by a strip of non-superconducting material, a special quantum effect can occur, coupling both regions: The Josephson effect. If the spacer material is a half-metal ferromagnet novel implications for spintronic applications arise. An international team has now for the first time designed a material system that exhibits an unusually long-range Josephson effect: Here, regions of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 are separated by a region of half-metallic, ferromagnetic manganite (La2/3Sr1/3MnO3) one micron wide.  Source: ScienceDaily.   Green information technologies: Superconductivity meets spintronics…

GOLD NANOANTENNA, THE NEXT STEP IN QUANTUM SUPERSPY COMMUNICATION | Modern computers have served us well over the last several decades, and the improvements in size and capability have been impressive. Still, considering everything we’re able to do with our desktops, laptops, and smartphones, the underlying process of computers hasn’t changed since their inception.  Source: SYFY WIRE.   GOLD NANOANTENNA, THE NEXT STEP IN QUANTUM SUPERSPY COMMUNICATION…

From Cryo-CMOS to Quantum Computers: 3 Projects Partner With Oxford Instruments | Quantum technology has been a booming industry, with companies and researchers alike trying to push it to a mainstream level. Hoping to do just that, Oxford Instruments Nanoscience is partnering with three new projects.  Source: ALL ABOUT CIRCUITS.   From Cryo-CMOS to Quantum Computers: 3 Projects Partner With Oxford Instruments…

Finland’s first 5-qubit quantum computer is now operational | ESPOO, Finland (November 30th, 2021) Today, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland announced that the country’s first operational 5-qubit quantum computer is up and running. Together with the quantum computing hardware startup IQM, VTT has taken its first steps to enable the building of quantum computers that will be both scalable and easier to manufacture, allowing more companies to begin their quantum computing journey.   Source: VTT.   Finland’s first 5-qubit quantum computer is now operational…

A simpler design for quantum computers | Today’s quantum computers are complicated to build, difficult to scale up, and require temperatures colder than interstellar space to operate. These challenges have led researchers to explore the possibility of building quantum computers that work using photons — particles of light. Photons can easily carry information from one place to another, and photonic quantum computers can operate at room temperature, so this approach is promising. However, although people have successfully created individual quantum “logic gates” for photons, it’s challenging to construct large numbers of gates and connect them in a reliable fashion to perform complex calculations.  Source: EurekAlert!.   A simpler design for quantum computers…

Oxford Instruments NanoScience Supports Ground-breaking Work in Advanced Materials at University College Cork with Next-Generation Dilution Refrigerators | Today, Oxford Instruments NanoScience announces the supply of two next-generation Cryofree® dilution refrigerators to the University College Cork (UCC). One of the ProteoxMX systems includes a high homogeneity 14T magnet for increased experimental capacity.  Source: OXFORD INSTRUMENTS.   Oxford Instruments NanoScience Supports Ground-breaking Work in Advanced Materials at University College Cork with Next-Generation Dilution Refrigerators…

On-chip frequency shifters in the gigahertz range could be used in next generation quantum computers and networks | The ability to precisely control and change properties of a photon, including polarization, position in space, and arrival time, gave rise to a wide range of communication technologies we use today, including the Internet. The next generation of photonic technologies, such as photonic quantum networks and computers, will require even more control over the properties of a photon.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   On-chip frequency shifters in the gigahertz range could be used in next generation quantum computers and networks…

Navitar Announces Optimized Glass Lens for BAE Systems’ New HWK1411 Low-Light Imaging Module | ROCHESTER, N.Y., Nov. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Navitar’s custom, high-performance f/1.4 Navitar glass lens, optimized for low-light imaging and superior stray light mitigation for day operations, is an integral component of BAE Systems’ HWK ultra low-light imaging module.  Source: CISION.   Navitar Announces Optimized Glass Lens for BAE Systems’ New HWK1411 Low-Light Imaging Module…

Nine critical technologies where the government wants to counter China | The Morrison government has identified a list of nine critical technologies, including quantum computing, artificial intelligence, medicines and critical minerals, to protect their supply chains from disruption and stop China from dominating their development.  Source: AFR.   Nine critical technologies where the government wants to counter China…

Breakthroughs in quantum computing drive higher processing power | Quantum computer has actually seen current developments in driving greater handling power that can cause fixing a lot more intricate troubles. Procedure referred to as quantum complication is an essential chauffeur of the handling power of quantum computer systems, as well as greater quantum complication states permit quantum computer systems to boost the intricacy of their formulas.  Source: Newspostalk.   Breakthroughs in quantum computing drive higher processing power…

Beyond Qubits: Cryogenic Chip Is Big Step To Scale Up Quantum Computing | Through the Microsoft partnership with the University, Professor David Reilly and colleagues have invented a device that operates at 40 times colder than deep space to directly control thousands of qubits, the building blocks of quantum technology. Scientists and engineers at the University of Sydney and Microsoft Corporation have opened the next chapter in quantum technology with the invention of a single chip that can generate control signals for thousands of qubits, the building blocks of quantum computers.  Source: SciTechDaily.   Beyond Qubits: Cryogenic Chip Is Big Step To Scale Up Quantum Computing…

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