Error Correction Not Needed

Israeli led researchers at the Weizman Institute of Science have presented evidence for particles capable of storing quantum information — without needing error correction. These particles are termed non-Abelian anyons. Standard particle physics entails only fermions and bosons. However, exceptions do occur, called anyons. Abelian anyons are akin to fermions in behavior. Non-Abelian anyons have ‘odd’ properties useful, it is thought, for topological quantum computing (TQC). TQC does not demand error correction to make the qubits useful. Why no error-correction needed? Locally, perturbations of the anyons may exist but the errors do not map globally where it matters.

“…The vertical line going through the center is believed to host an intriguing type of particles: non-Abelian anyons.” (Image Credit: University of California – Santa Barbara. Click image for image report.)

This report is found at BROWN…

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