Quantum Computing Developer Community Expanding, Here’s What ‘They’ Think
Interesting webinar provided by IBM. HPC Wire’s John Russell presents an excellent write-up if you are unable to listen through the webinar. Recommend reading, or listening, from the source links, below. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit
IBM-led Webinar Tackles Quantum Developer Community Needs
+ Roughly a week ago, IBM held the first of a planned series of webinars on quantum computing – this one on The Future of Quantum Software Development and it was a treat. Moderated by long-time Forrester analyst Jeffrey Hammond, the panel included three prominent quantum community voices with diverse quantum expertise – Blake Johnson (control systems delivery lead, IBM, and formerly Rigetti), Prineha Narang (Harvard professor and CEO/founder, Aliro Quantum), and tech entrepreneur William Hurley (CEO/founder, Strangeworks).
It was a “glass-half-full” crowd, so consider their enthusiasm when evaluating comments, but it was also a well-informed group not dismissive of challenges. “You have to realize where we’re actually at,” said Hurley, “We’re not in the days of AMD versus Intel. We’re in the days of like little mechanical gates versus vacuum tubes and other solutions. These things aren’t computers from my pure developer standpoint. At this moment of time they’re really great equipment for exploring the quantum landscape and are the foundation for building machines.”
+ QA isn’t Far Away (Maybe). There was adamant agreement by panelists that a decade is too pessimistic…but there was waffling on just how soon quantum advantage (QA) would be achieved. Two-to-five years was the consensus guess-of-choice although Narang declined to make any guess. One had the sense their belief in quantum computing’s inevitable breakthrough trumped worry over when. Meanwhile the QA watch continues.
+ Fast Followers Will Lose! Quantum computing’s inflection point will be such that that if you’re not already in the game, you won’t catch up. “You can’t be a fast follower. You have to either be placing a bet now or deciding to take the risk of not being involved at the point where something that is clearly a tremendous change in computing happens,” said Hurley with agreement from Johnson.
Source: HPC wire. John Russell, IBM-led Webinar Tackles Quantum Developer Community Needs…
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