The Shorts | 8/26/21 | Algorithms and Software in Quantum Computing


The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of algorithms and software. Mea Cubitt

Progress in algorithms makes small, noisy quantum computers viable | Work by Los Alamos and others shows that hybrid quantum/classical algorithms can accommodate limited qubits and lack of error correction for real-world tasks.  Source: Los Alamos National Laboratory.   Progress in algorithms makes small, noisy quantum computers viable…

Thanks To Quantum, Enterprise Software Will Be Revolutionary | The January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics arguably kickstarted the home computer revolution. Its cover story was “World’s First Minicomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models … Altair 8800.” Two of the people who read it were Paul Allen and Bill Gates, right around the time they were laying the foundation for Microsoft.  Source: Forbes.   Thanks To Quantum, Enterprise Software Will Be Revolutionary…

Maths, encryption, and quantum computing | The internet has changed the face of communication and how communication can be stolen, spied upon or manipulated, and it always gets harder to protect ourselves as technology evolves. This becomes even more difficult as we face a future of quantum computers, which will be so powerful they’ll make the security we use now look like mere child’s play.  Source: COSMOS.   Maths, encryption, and quantum computing…

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