The Shorts | 10/4/21 | Algorithms and Software in Quantum Computing


The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of algorithms and software. Mea Cubitt

Developers can build working quantum computing applications with open-source TKET | Software platforms for quantum computing applications are increasingly in demand. As such, the global quantum computing development community is receiving a major boost, as Cambridge Quantum will make its TKET software development kit fully open-source immediately.  Source: T_HQ.   Developers can build working quantum computing applications with open-source TKET…

Dell Technologies test hybrid emulation platform for quantum computing via Qiskit | Dell Technologies said it has been testing a hybrid emulation platform that can enable developers to run quantum applications on classical infrastructure.  Source: msn.   Dell Technologies test hybrid emulation platform for quantum computing via Qiskit…

CQ makes TKET quantum software development kit open-source | Cambridge Quantum (CQ) has announced the latest version of its hardware-agnostic quantum software development kit, TKET (pronounced “ticket”), is being made completely open-source, which is expected to provide a major boost to quantum computing development.  Source: embedded.   CQ makes TKET quantum software development kit open-source…

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