The Shorts | 10/20/21 | Algorithms and Software in Quantum Computing


The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of algorithms and software. Mea Cubitt

Solving Defense Optimization Problems with Increased Computational Efficiency | Department of Defense (DOD) must solve many complex optimization problems to enable mission capabilities – from determining the most efficient way to distribute supplies to minimizing warfighters’ exposure to hostile forces. Solving these intricate scenarios is difficult, largely owing to the limitations of existing computing resources. Today, many optimization problems are solved on conventional computers running both heuristic and approximate algorithms, extracting the best solutions allowed by the limited time and energy that is available.  Source: DARPA.   Solving Defense Optimization Problems with Increased Computational Efficiency…

Fault-tolerant control of an error-corrected qubit | Quantum error correction protects fragile quantum information by encoding it into a larger quantum system1,2. These extra degrees of freedom enable the detection and correction of errors, but also increase the control complexity of the encoded logical qubit. Fault-tolerant circuits contain the spread of errors while controlling the logical qubit, and are essential for realizing error suppression in practice3,4,5,6.   Source: nature.   Fault-tolerant control of an error-corrected qubit…

Developers can build working quantum computing applications with open-source TKET | Software platforms for quantum computing applications are increasingly in demand. As such, the global quantum computing development community is receiving a major boost, as Cambridge Quantum will make its TKET software development kit fully open-source immediately.  Source: T_HQ.   Developers can build working quantum computing applications with open-source TKET…

D-Wave announces the next generation of its quantum system and more at the Qubits conference | Quantum computing is a promising approach to problem-solving and computation. While the technology is still in its nascent stages, companies across the world are pushing for technological advancements that will render quantum computers useful for near-term practical use cases.  Source: Neowin.   D-Wave announces the next generation of its quantum system and more at the Qubits conference…

Cambridge Quantum Introduces Open-Source Version of TKET, a Hardware Agnostic Quantum SDK | Cambridge Quantum (CQ) is pleased to confirm that the latest version of TKET (pronounced “ticket”), their high-performance hardware-agnostic quantum software development kit (SDK), is completely open-source.  Source: CROWDFUND INSIDER.   Cambridge Quantum Introduces Open-Source Version of TKET, a Hardware Agnostic Quantum SDK…

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