Assessing the Optimal Location for Parking Lots Is Not So Easy

Parking Lot FLP…The Facility Location Problem, or FLP, is a long-standing challenge within operations research—the application of scientific methods to decision-making and problem-solving by managers in large commercial, public or military organizations…

…The FLP aims to determine the optimal location and number of facilities in a given area, given certain constraints…

…Assessing the optimal location for parking lots is surprisingly mathematically challenging, and a subset of a classic computational complexity problem with far wider applications. A team of data scientists has combined quantum annealing with a process that attempts to mimic the underlying processes of human intuition in a technique that delivers a solution accuracy that’s far superior to conventional approaches… 

Editor’s Note: Italicized statements are directly quoted from the source. Content may have been edited for style and clarity. Read the full article at the source by clicking on the text or image.

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