Digging Deeper, Quantum-classical Hybrid Algorithms

Digging Deeper,Quantum-classical Hybrid Algorithms

Three Truths and the Advent of Hybrid Quantum Computing

Excerpts and salient points ~

+  Quantum-classical hybrid is the use of both classical and quantum resources to solve problems. A hybrid approach allows developers to exploit the powers of both, today, and reap the benefits of the ongoing acceleration in quantum-computer development tomorrow. As the size of the processors grow, quantum computers promise to provide unrivaled performance at some types of tasks, such as solving certain hard optimization problems.

+  Truth #1: Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, quantum applications will always and only be hybrid.

“Quantum applications will always and only be hybrid.”

+  Truth #2: Customers (you!) value results above all, and it is results that provide technology value, not the other way around

+  Truth #3: There is an important role for quantum computing that has been left vacant by classical systems.

Source:  D-Wave in M.  Murray Thom,  Three Truths and the Advent of Hybrid Quantum Computing…

Content may have been edited for style and clarity.

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