The Race for Quantum Computing: U.K. Status

Excellent discussion and tracking of the U.K. MoD quantum programme and related U.K. Government initiatives. The race for quantum computing is surely on. Qubit.

Mapping the Race to Quantum Computing: The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme – The Red (Team) Analysis Society

Excerpts and salient points ~

+  The Hubs. Out of the overall national policy funding, as we saw, £120 million is devoted to the creation of four quantum hubs. Starting in December 2014, they operationalise public-private research-industry partnerships. They thus highlight and construct the comprehensive character of the British quantum policy.

In turn, it is hard to convince investors and funders to participate in the quantum effort for long enough. Meanwhile, it is difficult to find users, to interest them in the QIS and to get them to be ready for the coming revolution. It is all the more complex that we do not know yet with certainty the whole range of future usages for QIS.

+  Each hub contributes to make sure that QIS are developed practically. Indeed, through them and the funding available for industry and partners from the hubs – and vice-versa, as well as through common projects, potential users become stakeholders in QIS development. Meanwhile, the hubs allow for understanding of QIS. How and why to use quantum technologies may progressively emerge.

+  Being able to mobilise around QIS not only scientists and a select few, but also all future users, including industries, is a crucial challenge for the sector. Those who will succeed best in their mobilization effort are likely to be at the top of the race and to lead the future quantum world. The UK Quantum national policy and notably the technological hubs are one way to overcome this hurdle and to mobilise the country.

Source:  The Red (Team) Analysis Society.  Dr Helene Lavoix,  Mapping the Race to Quantum Computing: The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme – The Red (Team) Analysis Society…

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