Australia: Quantum Computing & Wuhan Coronavirus Not This Time, But Maybe Next

Australia urged to invest in quantum computing ahead of future pandemics

Selected notes ~

+  Michael Biercuk, who is a professor of quantum physics and quantum technology at the University of Sydney, said global reports that quantum technologies could help solve the COVID-19 crisis were “disingenuous” because the sector is still too young to deliver practical applications. However, scaling up research and development now could help with medical research in the decades to come.

“The first thing to realise is that the time scales are not unfavourable. [For example], SARS was in 2003 – so 17 years ago, we had that massive outbreak. And in 17 years from now, or even less, we certainly believe quantum will be at a more advanced stage,” Professor Biercuk said.

+  Quantum approaches could play a significant role in developing treatments for any future pandemics more efficiently, improving the calculations that have to be made in chemical research and helping bringing new treatments to market.

“Advances in computing tech have given enormous practical advances in medicine and we think quantum has a role in drug discoveries,” Professor Biercuk said.

+  Federal and state governments have contributed to a range of quantum computing projects over the past five years as researchers race to make quantum computers a reality.

+ The path could take hundreds of millions of dollars and many years, Professor Biercuk said, much like the pharmaceutical sector needs long-term investors to survive.

Source:  brisbane times.  Emma Koehn,  Australia urged to invest in quantum computing ahead of future pandemics…

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