Semicondutor Engineering’s Startup Funding for July Puts Cambridge Quantum Computing Near the Top

Semicondutor Engineering’s Startup Funding for July Puts Cambridge Quantum Computing Near the Top

Startup Funding: July 2020

Selected notes ~

+  A number of semiconductor and design companies took in funding this month, from a mega round for a data center switch maker to seed grants for two Canadian companies and new funding for an IP marketplace. China continues to be a hot area for electric vehicles, with one company raising half a billion for its two models currently in production. For July, we highlight fifteen startups that raised $786.5M between them.

+  Quantum computing Cambridge Quantum Computing raised $22.7M in venture funding for its architecture agnostic quantum software stack and compiler that translates algorithms into executable circuits. The company has also developed a photonic quantum encryption device that claims to generate unhackable keys. Founded in 2014 and based in Cambridge, U.K., the startup also has efforts directed to computational chemistry and machine learning. Total reported funding has reached $45.5M.

Image Source: Semiconductor Engineering

Source:  SEMICONDUCTOR ENGINEERING.  Jesse Allen,  Startup Funding: July 2020…

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