Archer Materials Forges Ahead: Quantum Devices Successfully Built for Qubit Control

Quantum devices successfully built for qubit control

Archer Materials Limited (ASX:AXE) has successfully built the quantum devices required for initial qubit control measurements as part of a significant phase in its technology development related to the operation of the 12CQ room-temperature quantum computing qubit processor.

Image above: High-magnification image of part of the prototype nanoscale ESR device. The full ESR device design is commercial-in-confidence.  The ESR device has been fundamentally developed end-to-end and custom-built together by Archer and collaborators in Sydney, Australia, including all quantum mechanical theoretical considerations, the materials formulations used, the device operation, function and purpose, and its fabrication and testing.

Commenting on the Company’s 12CQ chip development, Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair said: “We commenced our technology development related to qubit control a few weeks ago and now the first devices have been built to perform the initial [qubit control] measurements related to Archer’s 12CQ chip operation. We have remained on track in our development since we first commenced the [12CQ chip] project in April 2019.”

“Qubit control is explicitly our next big technological milestone. Over the coming months, Company shareholders will expect to see a series of results that will be released to ASX by Archer that relate to qubit control – a key requirement of quantum computing processors. When successful, the work would be major validation, at a relatively early-stage of the overall development of a quantum computing processor, of the commercial viability of the 12CQ chip”.

High-magnificationimageof part of the prototype nanoscale ESR device. The full ESR device design iscommercial-in-confidence. The ESR device hasbeenfundamentally developedend-to-end and custom-builttogether byArcher and collaboratorsinSydney, Australia, including allquantum mechanical theoretical considerations, the materialsformulationsused, the device operation, function and purpose, and its fabrication and testing.

Archer staff holding two fabricated prototype ESR devices (appears as a gold colour in a black device carrier), at a semiconductor foundry in Sydney.

The Archer team has built and begun testing prototype qubit control devices (“ESR devices”) in Sydney with collaborating institutes. The initial prototyped ESR device has the primary benefit of providing the magnetic ultra-sensitivity to establish quantitative measurements (i.e. characterisation) of the quantum information residing on very few qubit material components.

The initial ESR device design is intended to allow for qubit control measurements only at low temperatures to maximise the Primary Benefit, with the associated operation temperatures unrelated to Archer’s qubits’ demonstrated potential to operate at room temperature. The ESR device assembly is unique and unoptimised, subject to changing functional configurations. 

Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair concluded: “The control measurements on the qubit material related to the 12CQ chip fabrication are a world-first, in particular for solid-state, non-optical quantum computing systems. 

“Archer is at the forefront of a global race to develop a potential solution to commercially viable [qubit processor chip] technology for the widespread use of quantum computing – technology which is at the foundation of an emerging multibillion-dollar global industry.”

About Archer’s 12CQ Chip

12CQ is a world-first technology that Archer aims to build for quantum computing operation at room-temperature and integration onboard modern electronic devices. For more information about Archer’s quantum technology, please visit

Archer maintains an exclusive licence to all the intellectual property rights related to the 12CQ chip technology, including trade secrets resulting from the control measurements, and patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty to protect and commercialise intellectual property in Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, European Union, and the United States. The international PCT application continues to progress in all jurisdictions at various stages of the patent granting procedure. 12CQ® is a registered trademark of Archer Materials Limited.

About Archer

A materials technology company developing materials in quantum computing, biotechnology, and lithium-ion batteries, and exploring for minerals in Australia. The Company has strong intellectual property, broad-scope mineral tenements, world-class in-house expertise, a diverse advanced materials inventory, and access to over $300 million of R&D infrastructure.

Media Enquiries

Mr James Galvin
Marketing and Communications Officer
+61 447 326 540
[email protected]

Source:  Archer Materials Limited.  Mr. James Galvin (Communications Officer),  Quantum devices successfully built for qubit control…

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