Free Free Free! IBM Quantum Computing Certificate is Free! If you Work at it.

IBM’s new quantum computing certificate can help you break into the industry, and the study materials are free

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+  Quantum computing, boasting a $96,897 average salary, is poised to become a reported $65 billion industry by 2030.

+  It’s also an emerging industry with unique skill sets, which can make it tough to know exactly who’s qualified enough to work in the field. “Throughout the developing quantum industry in general, there are no standard skills that people look at and use as metrics for hiring,” said Dr. Abe Asfaw, IBM’s Global Lead of Quantum Education and Open Science.

In the future, IBM plans to create quantum computing certifications for different pathways, such as quantum computing for drug discovery (using it to simulate molecules) and finance (optimizing a portfolio). But, for now, employees and employers can gain a baseline education in the field.


+  To help standardize this new and exciting field, IBM formed the first Quantum Computing Certification to define and test universal foundational skills. Having the IBM certification on your LinkedIn and resume can quickly show employers that you’ve mastered the essential quantum computing skills.

+  The benefit to using Qiskit — specifically, the course Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware — is learning the concepts as well as gaining exposure to hands-on programming with quantum computers. According to Asfaw, students can learn how to operate on few quantum bits (known as qubits) using the IBM Quantum Composer. Once you begin writing more complex quantum programs, you can start using IBM Quantum Lab to systematically apply those operations on qubits using code.

Source:  IBM (Business Insider).  Mara Leighton,  IBM’s new quantum computing certificate can help you break into the industry, and the study materials are free…

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